Solano Community College Logo, Tree breaking out of half dome.

CSU Associate Degree for Transfer

The California Community College and the California State University (CSU) systems have created a transfer program which provides transfer students with an additional avenue for transferring between the two school systems. Community college students who complete an Associate Degree for Transfer (ADT) are guaranteed admission to the CSU system. Earning an ADT does not guarantee admission to any particular campus or major.

Please contact the Transfer Center for more information about the program and how to pursue an ADT.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does Solano offer ADTs?

Yes! Solano currently offers 24 associate degrees for transfer in various fields of study. You can find out which degrees are offered in the college catalog. If you are interested in pursuing one of Solano’s ADTs, please meet with a counselor to develop an educational plan that will ensure you are transfer-ready.

What are the benefits of earning an ADT?

Earning an ADT guarantees you admission to the CSU system (not to a particular major or campus). There are also other benefits associated with this degree. If your ADT is similar to the major you will pursue at a CSU campus, you are also guaranteed that you will need to take no more than 60 units of coursework once you arrive at the campus (unless you need to repeat courses, add a major or minor, etc.) to complete your bachelor's degree.

What does it mean for my ADT to be similar to the major I want to pursue at CSU?

In order to receive certain benefits of the ADT, the degree you earn at Solano must be considered similar to the major you will apply to at CSU. You can find out whether your Solano ADT matches your desired campus and major at

Do I have to earn an ADT in order to transfer?

No. Although there are benefits to earning this degree, there are times when it may make sense to follow a different pathway, particularly if we don’t offer an ADT that is deemed similar to your desired major at CSU. In these cases, it is necessary to take any required courses for your future major while here at Solano in order to transfer, regardless of which associate’s degree you choose to pursue.  

I am currently pursuing an ADT. Does that mean I don’t have to take the prerequisites that are specific to the campus and major I choose?

No! Please take the required courses while you are here at Solano. Delaying taking prerequisite courses could have a negative impact on your ability to be admitted to a university, particularly if the major is impacted. Some prerequisites need to be completed in order to take upper division classes in your major. Delaying taking your prerequisites may mean starting your upper division major coursework later than planned.

Additional ADT Resources

This website helps you view different ADT degree options and their counterpart majors at CSU campuses.

Solano General Catalog

Includes list of Solano degrees, including ADTs, and their requirements.

Counseling Department

All students should meet with a counselor in order to determine how to complete their ADT requirements.