Solano Community College Logo, Tree breaking out of half dome.

Program Overview

SOAR is a program for formerly incarcerated students, which is expanded to serve foster youth, homeless, and other vulnerable student populations, at Solano Community College. We provide a stigma-free environment where SOAR Scholars can study, learn and grow on their path from reentry through graduation and beyond. We provide mentorship to formerly incarcerated students/re-entry, foster youth, unhoused students, and other vulnerable students and connect them with college and community resources so they can achieve their educational, personal and career goals. 

SOAR is dedicated to eliminating the stigma of being formerly incarcerated.

SOAR recognizes the impact of mass incarceration and believes that public resources are better invested in education.

SOAR honors the potential in all people and seeks to change the narrative that being formerly incarcerated determines a person's worth and ability.

SOAR understands that education can break the cycle of recidivism, make our communities safer and build a more just and democratic society. Education is a pathway for transformation and liberation.

Students Serving Students Internship Program

Beginning Spring 2021, SOAR will launch the Students Serving Students internship program, by providing supervision of 3-5 student interns majoring in Human Services, who in partial fulfillment of their field study requirements, will serve our re-entry, foster youth, unhoused students, and other vulnerable student populations. For more info, contact:, 707-864-4442.